Season 5 Works Cited
Books used throughout
Sideshow: Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia, William Shawcross, 1979.
The Price of Power: Kissinger in the Nixon White House, Seymour Hersh, 1983.
Brother Enemy: The War After the War, Nayan Chanda, 1986.
A Bright Shining Lie: John Paul Vann and America in Vietnam, Neil Sheehan, 1988.
Red Brotherhood at War: Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos since 1975 (Revised edition), Grant Evans and Kelvin Rowley, 1990.
The Tragedy of Cambodian History: Politics, War, and Revolution Since 1945, David P. Chandler, 1991.
The Vietnam Wars, 1945-1990, Marilyn Young, 1991.
When the War Was Over: Cambodia and the Khmer Rouge Revolution (Revised edition), Elizabeth Becker, 1998.
Brother Number One: A Political Biography of Pol Pot (Revised edition), David P. Chandler, 1999.
How Pol Pot Came to Power: Colonialism, Nationalism, and Communism in Cambodia, 1930–1975 (Second edition), Ben Kiernan, 2004.
Pol Pot, Philip Short, 2004.
A History of Cambodia (Fourth Edition), David P. Chandler, 2007.
Mao Zedong and China in the Twentieth-Century World: A Concise History, Rebecca E. Karl, 2010.
The Vietnam War: A Concise International History, Mark Atwood Lawrence, 2010.
Shadow Cold War: The Sino-Soviet Competition for the Third World, Jeremy Friedman, 2015.
Eisenhower and Cambodia: Diplomacy, Covert Action, and the Origins of the Second Indochina War, William J. Rust, 2016.
Reckless: Henry Kissinger and the Tragedy of Vietnam, Robert K. Brigham, 2018.
Fire and Rain: Nixon, Kissinger, and the Wars in Southeast Asia, Carolyn Woods Eisenberg, 2023.
EPISODE 2 - The French Connection
Subjects and Sojourners, Charles Keith, 2024.
A History of the Vietnamese, K.W. Taylor, 2013.
“Self-Study Guide: Vietnam (Second edition),” U.S. State Department, 2006.
“The Myth of the Wilsonian Moment,” Wilson Center, 2019.
“The abolition of slavery, a legacy of French colonialism,” Khmer Times, 2023.
“Norodom Sihanouk, Cambodian Leader Through Shifting Allegiances, Dies at 89,” New York Times, 2012.
Letter from Ho Chi Minh to Harry S. Truman, 1946.
“Dien Bien Phu & the Fall of French Indochina, 1954,” U.S. State Department.
Dien Bien Phu: Rendezvous With History (trans. English), General Võ Nguyên Giáp, 2017.
“‘We might give them a few.’ Did the US offer to drop atom bombs at Dien Bien Phu?,” Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, 2016.
Memorandum by the Counselor (MacArthur) to the Secretary of State, Douglas MacArthur II, 1954.
Khmer Nationalist: Sơn Ngọc Thành, the CIA, and the Transformation of Cambodia, Matthew Jagel, 2023.
Editorial Note [Domino Theory], U.S. State Department, 1954.
EPISODE 3 - Listen to the Thunder
Kissinger's Shadow: The Long Reach of America's Most Controversial Statesman, Greg Grandin, 2015.
“The Kissinger Diaries: What He Really Thought About Vietnam,” Politico Magazine, 2015.
Editorial Note [Kissinger-Vietnam channel], U.S. State Department, 1967.
“Notes From the Front,” The American Scholar, 2023.
Memorandum From the Acting DCI (Cabell) to the Secretary of State, U.S. State Department [Allen W. Dulles], 1956.
Memorandum by Ambassador Donald R. Heath to the Assistant Secretary of State for Far Eastern Affairs (Robertson), U.S. State Department, 1953.
“America's Stake in Vietnam [Speech],” U.S. Senator John F. Kennedy, 1956.
“At Dien Bien Phu,” LRB Blog, 2024.
“Excerpts From Lansdale Team's Report on Covert Vietnam Mission in '54 and '55,” New York Times, 1971.
“Toasts of the President and President Diem of Viet-Nam,” American Presidency Project, 1957.
“L'Oncle Ho,” New York Times, 1971.
“CIA Air Operations in Laos, 1955-1974,” Studies in Intelligence, 1999.
“What Would He Have Done?,” New York Times Book Review, 1992.
“The President’s Intelligence Checklist [11/2/63],” Central Intelligence Agency, 1963
Special Message to the Congress on U.S. Policy in Southeast Asia, Lyndon B. Johnson, 1964.
Memorandum From Secretary of Defense McNamara to President Johnson, 1965.
“1968: The Global Revolutions,” Columbia University Libraries, 2018.
“Cambodia Prints Lon Nol Thought,” New York Times, 1973.
“Henry Kissinger, War Criminal—Still at Large at 100,” The Nation, 2023.
Dirty Tricks: Nixon, Watergate, and the CIA, Shane O’Sullivan, 2018.
The Making of the President 1968, Theodore White, 1969.
EPISODE 4 - Mad Men
Editorial Note [May 4], U.S. State Department, 1972.
“Vietnam and the Soldiers’ Revolt,” Monthly Review, 2016.
The Ends of Power, H.R. Haldeman, 1978.
Mao Zedong and China in the Twentieth-Century World
“Iraq Versus Vietnam: A Comparison of Public Opinion,” Gallup, 2005.
Nixonland: The Rise of a President and the Fracturing of America, Rick Perlstein, 2008.
“Letters to the Editor [Kissinger-Quaker meeting],” New York Times, 1972.
Minutes of National Security Council Meeting [January 25], U.S. State Department, 1969.
Editorial Note [January 21], U.S. State Department, 1969
Editorial Note [August 1], U.S. State Department, 1969.
“Opening To China,” New York Times, 1978.
Memorandum From the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) to President Nixon [February 19], U.S. State Department, 1969.
“Raids in Cambodia by U.S. Unprotested,” New York Times, 1969.
Decent Interval: An Insider's Account of Saigon's Indecent End Told by the CIA's Chief Strategy Analyst in Vietnam (25th anniversary edition), Frank Snepp, 2002.
“Cambodia: A Test Case,” New York Times, 1971.
Address to the Nation on Progress Toward Peace in Vietnam [April 20], Richard Nixon, 1970
“Nixon, in Hawaii, Joins Astronauts and Honors Them,” New York Times, 1970.
Speech on Cambodia [April 30], Richard Nixon, 1970.
“Snuol—Smashed, Stripped by GI Juggernaut,” UPI, 1970.
“Hundreds of Bodies Of Vietnamese Seen In Cambodian River,” New York Times, 1970.
“U.S. Blamed the Press for Military Looting in Cambodia,” The Intercept, 2023.
“Bayoneting victims recall 50th anniversary of bloodshed at UNM,” Albequerque Journal, 2020.
“‘Sins of our past’: Leaders apologize for 1970 Jackson State shootings,” Associated Press, 2021.
“Spying on Americans: Infamous 1970s White House Plan for Protest Surveillance Released,” National Security Archive, 2020.
“The Fight in Vietnam Arrives at the White House [William Watts Interview],” Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training, 2014.
“Text of the Hickel Letter,” New York Times, 1970.
“The Story of the Really Weird Night Richard Nixon Hung Out With Hippies at the Lincoln Memorial,” The Washingtonian, 2016.
“Kissinger’s Killing Fields,” The Intercept, 2023.
EPISODE 5 - Last Tango in Paris
Conversation Among President Nixon, the Assistant to the President (Haldeman), and the President’s Assistant for National Security Affairs (Kissinger) [May 5], U.S. State Department, 1972.
“The China Connection,” TIME Magazine [Henry Kissinger], 1979.
“Foreign Leaders Meet With Nixon,” New York Times, 1970.
Memorandum of Meeting Between President and Yahya Khan [October 25], 1970.
“Diplomat’s Fondest Memory: China Breakthrough,” New York Times, 1982.
“By Any Measure, Pol Pot Engaged in Genocide,” New York Times [Ben Kiernan], 1990.
“The Secrets and Lies of the Vietnam War, Exposed in One Epic Document,” New York Times, 2021.
“Henry Kissinger: The Emotional Statesman,” Diplomatic History, 2011.
“Nixon and the Chiefs,” The Atlantic, 2002.
“Nixon’s Plea to End the Killing,” TIME Magazine, 1970
“The Nixon Story You Never Heard,” CounterPunch, 2001.
Zhou Enlai: A Life, Chen Jian, 2024.
The President's News Conference [December 10], Richard Nixon, 1970.
Address to the Nation on Plan for Peace in Vietnam [January 25], Miller Center, 1972.
“College Heads’ Statement,” New York Times, 1972.
Chasing Shadows: The Nixon Tapes, the Chennault Affair, and the Origins of Watergate, Ken Hughes, 2015.
Soldiers in Revolt: GI Resistance During the Vietnam War, David Cortright, 2005.
Against All Tides: The Untold Story of the USS Kitty Hawk Race Riot, Marv Truhe, 2022.
“Thieu’s Speech Is Viewed As Bid for Better Terms,” New York Times, 1972.
“Cash for Services Rendered,” Far Eastern Economic Review [April], 1975.
“CIA funded, manipulated missionaries,” National Catholic Reporter [August], 1975.
“World Vision, Go Home!,” The Christian Century [May], 1979.
EPISODE 6 - Dream Warriors
The Cold War's Killing Fields: Rethinking the Long Peace, Paul Thomas Chamberlin, 2018.
“Twenty Days in October,” New York Times Magazine, 1974.
“Kissinger Will Not Quit, White House Declares,” New York Times, 1973.
“Nothing But Shame,” New York Times, 1975.
Hearings over Supplemental Assistance to Cambodia [March 6], Senate Foreign Relations Committee, 1975.
The Phoenix Program: America’s Use of Terror in Vietnam, Douglas Valentine, 1990.
James McCord’s Letter To Judge John Sirica, Watergate.info, 1973.
“Cox Is Chosen as Special Prosecutor,” Washington Post, 1973.
“Dean Alleges Nixon Knew of Cover-up Plan,” Washington Post, 1973.
“President Taped Talks, Phone Calls; Lawyer Ties Ehrlichman to Payments,” Washington Post, 1973.
“Secret Raids on Cambodia Before ‘70 Totaled 3,500,” New York Times, 1973.
“Pentagon Admits It Gave Senate False Raid Report,” New York Times, 1973.
“Wheeler Asserts Bombing Secrecy Was Nixon’s Wish,” New York Times, 1973.
Reporter: A Memoir, Seymour Hersh, 2018.
“Cambodian Watergate,” Mary McGrory [Washington Star], 1973.
“More Revelations on Bombing,” TIME Magazine, 1973.
“Revelations Overturn Official U.S. Story of Cambodia War,” Washington Post (via Charlotte Observer), 1973.
Cambodian bombing hearings [July 16 -August 9], Senate Armed Services Committee, 1973.
“Lon Nol Orders Army to Cease Fire,” New York Times, 1973.
“Bomb Error Leaves Havoc in Neak Luong,” New York Times, 1973.
Waging Peace in Vietnam: US Soldiers and Veterans Who Opposed the War, eds. Ron Carver, David Cortright, and Barbara Doherty, 2018.
“An Accused Pilot Being Sent to U.S.,” New York Times, 1973.
“Judge Here Rules Raids On Cambodia Are Illegal,” New York Times, 1973.
“Court of Appeals Reverses Order to Stop Bombing,” New York Times, 1973.
The Trial of Henry Kissinger, Christopher Hitchens, 2001.
“Conned in Cambodia,” I.F. Stone [New York Review of Books], 1975.
“55% in Gallup Poll Disapprove Nixon's Performance in Office,” New York Times, 1973.
“Court Orders Nixon to Yield Tapes; President Promises to Comply Fully,” Washington Post, 1974.
“Sihanouk: The man we may have to settle for in Cambodia” [Interview by Oriana Fallaci], New York Times, 1975.
“Cambodia’s ‘Little’ War: 600,000 Casualties,” New York Times, 1974.
“Reporter's Notebook: Madness of War in Phnom Penh,” New York Times, 1974.
Genocide and Democracy in Cambodia: The Khmer Rouge, the United Nations and the International Community, ed. Ben Kiernan, 1993.
Forced Migration & Mortality, “ Chapter 5: The Demographic Analysis of Mortality Crises: The Case of Cambodia, 1970-1979,” eds. Holly E. Reed and Charles B. Keely, 2001.
Cambodia Year Zero, Francois Ponchaud, 1978.
EPISODE 7 - Less Than Zero
Conversation Record of Chairman Mao Zedong’s Meeting with Pol Pot, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Kampuchea [June 21], Wilson Center, 1975.
Children of Cambodia’s Killing Fields: Memoirs by Survivors, comp. Dith Pran, 1997.
“A Broken Promise?,” New York Times, 1977.
“Hanoi Publishes Nixon ‘73 Letter About $3 Billion in Postwar Aid,” New York Times, 1977.
“U.S. Won't Bar Hanoi From U.N.; Vietnam to Press Hunt for Missing,” New York Times, 1977.
“The Enduring Cult of the Vietnam ‘Missing in Action’,” Rick Perlstein [The Nation], 2013.
The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan, Rick Perlstein, 2014.
The China Cambodia Vietnam Triangle, Wilfred Burchett, 1981.
“Remaking the Imperial Presidency: The Mayaguez Incident of 1975 and the Contradictions of Credibility,” Mattias Fibiger [Diplomacy & Statecraft], 2020.
Memorandum of May 15 Conversation [President Ford, Shah Reza Pahlavi, Henry Kissinger, Brent Scowcroft re: Mayaguez], U.S. State Department, 1975.
“Sihanouk Returns to a Big Welcome in Phnom Penh,” New York Times, 1975.
“Khmer Rouge: The Enigmatic Ghosts,” TIME Magazine, 1975.
“Conned in Cambodia,” I.F. Stone [New York Review of Books], 1975.
“Refugees Report Clashes on Cambodia‐Vietnam Line,” New York Times, 1977.
EPISODE 8 - Third World War
Voices from S-21: Terror and History in Pol Pot's Secret Prison, David Chandler, 2000.
“Le Duan of Vietnam Meets With Peking's Leader,” New York Times, 1977.
“Cambodia Cuts Ties With Vietnam,” New York Times, 1977.
“When the Khmer Rouge came to kill in Vietnam,” International Herald Tribune, 2004.
“Brzezinski Trip Brings No Signs Of Chinese Shift,” Washington Post, 1978.
“David Truong, Figure in U.S. Wiretap Case, Dies at 68,” New York Times, 2014.
Summary of Judgement Case 002/02, Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia, 2018.
The Specter of Genocide: Mass Murder in Historical Perspective, eds. Robert Gellately and Ben Kiernan, 2003.
The Pol Pot Regime: Race, Power, and Genocide in Cambodia Under the Khmer Rouge, 1975-1979, Ben Kiernan, 2002.
“Reporting massive human rights abuses behind a façade,” Elizabeth Becker [Columbia Journalism Review], 2016.
EPISODE 9 - Le Cercle Rouge
“’Night, suite prince,” New York Daily News, 1979.
The Quality of Mercy: Cambodia, Holocaust and Modern Conscience, William Shawcross, 1984.
“2.25 Million Cambodians Are Said to Face Starvation,” New York Times, 1979.
“Thais Deport 30,000 Cambodians While Others Continue to Arrive,” New York Times, 1979.
“Carter Pledges Aid of Up to $70 Million to Feed Cambodians,” New York Times, 1979.
Deng Xiaoping and China's Foreign Policy, Ronald Keith, 2017.
Oral Presentation by President Carter to Chinese Vice Premier Deng Xiaoping [January 30], U.S. State Department, 1979.
China’s War Against Vietnam, 1979: A Military Analysis, King C. Chen, 1983.
“U.N. Assembly, Rebuffing Soviet, Seats Cambodia Regime of Pol Pot,” New York Times, 1979.
“Pol Pot Aide Calls for World Support,” New York Times, 1980.
Caveat: Realism, Reagan and Foreign Policy, Alexander Haig, 1984.
Extraordinary Justice: Law, Politics, and the Khmer Rouge Tribunals, Craig Etcheson, 2019.
Genocide in Cambodia: Documents from the Trial of Pol Pot and Ieng Sary, eds. Howard J. De Nike, John Quigley and Kenneth J. Robinson, 2000.
EPISODE 10 - The Terrible But Unfinished Story
Cambodia's Curse: The Modern History of a Troubled Land, Joel Brinkley, 2011.
“Hanoi Cuts War Role in Cambodia,” Washington Post, 1988.
“Vietnam Promises Troops Will Leave Cambodia By Fall,” New York Times, 1989.
“Vietnam's Gift to Cambodia,” New York Times, 1989.
“A Role for the Khmer Rouge,” New York Times, 1993.
“When Terror Strikes Home: Covering Our Children While Protecting All Americans,” Kenneth Quinn [American Foreign Service Association], 2023.
“Cambodia: July 1997: Shock and Aftermath,” Human Rights Watch, 2007.
General Ta Mok Gives Reaction to Death of Pol Pot, Associated Press, 1998.
“Cambodian Leader Resists Punishing Top Khmer Rouge,” New York Times, 1998.
Agreement between the United Nations and the Royal Government of Cambodia concerning the prosecution under Cambodian law of crimes committed during the period of Democratic Kampuchea, United Nations, 2003.
“Khmer Rouge ex-minister Ieng Thirith released,” BBC, 2012.
“16 Years, 3 Convictions: The Khmer Rouge Trials Come to an End,” New York Times, 2022.
“Duch, Prison Chief Who Slaughtered for the Khmer Rouge, Dies at 77,” New York Times, 2020.
“Sihanouk declares assets to debunk myth he's rich,” Phnom Penh Post, 2008.
“Retired King Gives Help to Same-Sex Couple,” Cambodia Daily, 2004.
“Cambodia: King Favors Gay Marriages,” Associated Press, 2004.
“The Cambodian economy: ready for take-off?,” The Pacific Review, 2006.
“Survey Spotlights Deep Economic Inequality in Cambodia,” Voice of America, 2023.
“West Point trained the heir to Cambodia’s autocracy. Who is Hun Manet?,” Washington Post, 2023.
“Lists of U.S. Military Bases Abroad, 1776-2021,” David Vine, 2023.
“Cambodia’s strategic positioning between the United States and China,” East Asia Forum, 2024.
“China’s newest military base abroad is up and running, and there are more on the horizon,” Breaking Defense, 2024.
“Military Policy and Defense of the ‘Grey Areas’,” Henry Kissinger [Foreign Affairs], 1955.